Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Update 3.16.11

Hey Everyone,
  Sorry for not having anything else posted in a long while, I have been busy these last couple weeks.  Went to Custer for a good week to spend it with family and did get a chance to take more pictures.  I will have these up as soon as I can but that will take some time editing, but I will be sure to get them up as soon as possible.  The snow is finally melting here in Brookings, SD and I am ready to take my camera out and play some more in the warmer weather.  I will let you know that while I was home the pictures I was able to take are of Shadow our last horse that we are trying to sell and of my dog Lila.  Shadow had his hoofs trimmed while I was home and it was nice being able to capture Ann our fierier work on him, and well Lila was just being Lila and nothing can go wrong there.  Its always good to try and work on capturing animals when there hasn't been to much practice in that area.
  Well I'm gonna get going for now, but like I said before I will have photos posted up soon enough!

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